The House of Red Velvet

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Salon der Herzen Featured Artist: Meet Erin Naifeh

We are honored and thrilled to have Erin Naifeh presenting at our first salon on March 30th. They are a photographer, director, and visual artist. We ask them about why they make the art they do, and what influences them.

1. Why do you make this type of art?

It’s a deep knowing.

2. Did you always want to be an artist?

Yes. My imagination naturally led to me being an artist at a young age. It’s something I’ve always known.

3. Do you listen to music while you create? If so, what is on your playlist?

I prefer silence.

4. Who are your biggest influences?

My imagination. The Unknown. And The Spirit.

5. What has been a seminal experience?

Hypnosis. I've been doing it everyday for the past 2 years.

6. Name something you love (anything) and why.

I love feeling and transforming. Because the more cleansed I am, the more I can help others.