The House of Red Velvet

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Salon der Herzen Featured Artist: Meet Kria Lindquist

Kria Lindquist is a visual artist who specializes in dark surrealist figure paintings and illustrations. The images produced are conjured from dreams, matters of the human condition, esotericism, and sigil work, with strong connections to their own self-cultivated lexicon. The work they produce includes original paintings, ink illustrations, and prints of original pieces.

Kria will be joining us at Salon der Herzen next week. Get tickets now.

1. Why do you make this type of art?
Art has always been an incredibly cathartic process for me. For a number of years, it was a way for me to express my innermost thoughts and process various traumas. However, my work has begun to change shape and now comes from a place of exploration with regards to my dreamspace. Another reason why I create this type of art is really to connect and communicate with other people through my work, perhaps in some way to see if they can relate to and understand me.

2. Did you always want to be an artist?

Not always. For most of my life growing up, I was discouraged from pursuing the idea of becoming an artist. It was so common to hear of "the starving artist" and learning of those we now consider masters as barely getting by while they were alive. So many adults (not my parents-- they were both highly supportive) during my childhood told me how hard it would be to pursue art and advised against it. I did not want to starve or live in poverty and struggle until I died-- that sounded horrible. So I made attempts to pursue other career paths until I realized it just wasn't for me and I had no choice but to pursue and dedicate my life to art.

3. Do you listen to music while you create? If so, what is on your playlist?
Typically, I do listen to music. But lately, I have found comfort and deeper concentration is achieved in silence. If I do feel the need to listen to anything, it's usually more dark ambient sounds playing in the background. I find that music has become almost distracting from the specific work I am doing now.

4. Who are your biggest influences?
Sooo many artists influence me. Takato Yamamoto, Suehiro Maruo, Louis Fleischauer, Hans Bellmer, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Glyn Smyth, Harry Clarke,...just to name a few. Honestly, I could go on and on.

5. Name something you love (anything) and why.
I love how things are constructed and operate within the physical realm. How imagined concepts can be manipulated and constructed into physical matter. How bodies can become fully operational and mechanical systems from just a clump of atoms. Or how bodily senses receive sights, smells, sounds, touch, taste, everything! It's incredible and fascinating and so strange when you really think about it.