An Ode to Syd Barrett, Co-Founder of Pink Floyd


Pink Floyd is one of my personal greatest influences. I wrote this poem almost 20 years ago. Dedicated to Syd Barrett.

To My Madcap

Look to the right Syd in your sorrowful gaze,

Your mind twirling in never ending daze.

A glaze eye fallen in a puddle disappears,

Mesmerizing pictures dusted on the mirrors.

Don’t look so lost Syd I am here to love you,

Just laugh my madcap you always want to.

Reach out and touch who wants your taste,

Careful with remedy you know they are laced.

Spread art on my body you beautiful man,

Pour it on a wound you slice with bare hand. 

Your captive eyes so low and deep,

Your heart in a paintbox mine to keep.

Control my soul here’s a hand to lend,

Is your mind stepping outside your body again? 

Although not technically confirmed, it is highly likely that Syd Barrett had schizophrenia. Auditory hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, disorganized speech and thinking are just a few of the most common symptoms.

If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. If you are in the US, NAMI offers support groups, and services to local communities. Visit for more information.

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